Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Several years ago, a friend and I attended a well-known church with a good reputation. But from time to time, we'd hear things from the pulpit or a Sunday School class that weren't biblical at all, in a church that was known for being Bible-believing. Wacky remarks, bad exegesis, contradictory positions among the leaders. Over time, we realized we always sat in the back pew, which was waaaay up in the balcony. From there, we'd listen and periodically write each other notes on the bulletin about the crazy things we heard. We just couldn't help it. We'd say things like, "Where is THAT written?" or "What about (this verse) that contradicts what he just said?" It wasn't like we were going to church to be critical. It was just that, as we really started to listen and evaluate what was being preached, we discovered that it was nothing more than a syncretistic poupourri. We felt gypped. We were like the two little old men on "The Muppet Show," minus the tomato-throwing. And it struck me: If this can happen in a church that's known for being sound, it can happen anywhere. And unfortunately, it is happening everywhere. Not just in the church-growth warehouses, but in churches known for having their theological heads on straight. The old paths are being trampled on by wolves in sheep's clothing as church consumers have their itching ears scratched. And if there's one thing that bothers me in this life, it's the betrayal or deception of the sheep for whom Christ died. I vowed that someday, I'd go public under the name "The Back Pew" in an effort to expose the bad preaching and goofiness in America's churches, which you know - if you've been a Christian for any length of time - is rife. Well, here is my opportunity, and I hope to make the most of it. May the Lord be pleased to use this blog for His glory.


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